
Sarah Bleile Douglass

Sarah Bleile Douglass is a versatile baroque violinist who has charmed audiences in North America and Europe in both her fields of baroque music and traditional fiddling. Sarah co-founded the baroque chamber concert series Chamber Muse Calgary, which offers free educational concerts featuring early-music performers from across Canada. She is also a founding member of the Berwick Fiddle Consort, an historical folk trio, and performs with various ensembles including Rosa Barocca in Calgary and Arion Baroque Orchestra in Montreal.

In November 2021, Sarah and her duo partner Shelby Yamin released their debut album as the premiere recording of the violin duets by Maddalena Sirmen Lombardini. In May 2020, she received her Master’s degree in baroque violin from McGill University, studying with Olivier Brault and with Kati Debretzeni at The Hague Conservatory. She also earned a professional diploma in baroque violin and a Bachelor's degree in violin performance from the San Francisco Conservatory, studying with Elizabeth Blumenstock and Ian Swensen.

Justin Luchinski

Justin Luchinski began an active career in early music performance in Montréal while completing his Bachelor’s and Master of Music degrees at the Schulich School of Music, McGill University. While being a regular rehearsal keyboardist with Opera McGill’s baroque opera productions, he had regular season concerts, performances at the Montréal Baroque Festival, recording projects, and nationwide touring with Les Méandres, the early music ensemble he co-founded.

The sensitivity and nuance of Justin’s playing was developed under the guidance of Hank Knox, and through masterclasses with notable harpsichordists like Béatrice Martin, Marie van Rhijn, and Charlotte Nediger of Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra. Justin has performed as a soloist and accompanist at the National Music Centre, played regular concerts with Early Music Voices, String Theory Music Collective, Luminous Voices, and collaborated with various members of the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra. Beyond his performances, Justin Luchinski is deeply committed to enhancing early music education and awareness in Calgary. Serving as Co-Artistic Director of Chamber Muse Historical Music Society of Calgary, he drives the creation and execution of interactive, educational free concerts in partnership with the Calgary Public Library.